Just some random pics of the past days.
Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2012
Montag, 23. Juli 2012
My mum said pappa B's blog is stupid - mainly because my Hungarian is not that good. So less text, more pictures ;)
can't stop listening to Wankelmut - One day
crushed ice - fresh watermelon & ginger - orange juice
Sonntag, 22. Juli 2012
sushisushisushi (berlin day 3 & 4 & ...)
After the first two days we spent with eating, eating and eating the whole time - we decided with pappa B to do the same in the next few days we are staying in Berlin. So on Sunday we started the day with eating, then with drinking a bottle Riesling at Tucholsky Straße with a friend at a bar which is called Bar (it was called Bar, but now it has a name - I am not able to remember that, so we still call it the bar called Bar). That was followed by the first round sushi for this week at TTP. If you love Sushi as much as pappa B and I do, you have to go to Ishin or TTP here in Berlin! It is cheap, and their fish is always fresh :)
The other days we spent eating again, but this time Sushi at TTP, and some fried champignons and Cordon Blue at a typical German Pub near to the Tiergarten.
Montag, 16. Juli 2012
back in da hood (berlinberlin day 1 & 2)
After pappa B's very last visit to Berlin in June he has been so exiting about coming back to town, I just couldn't stop him - so the little green monster hid in my suitcase until we crossed the German border with the train, where he got out of my bag and started smiling with no reason. Well, I was able to do anything but to smile - we had a delay about three hours, which is a very long term if you consider that the whole journey by train is about 13 hours. So I would have been one the happiest people on Earth without that plus three hours on train. Without air conditioner at the beginning of the trip in Hungary (35 degrees in the shade!!!), then when we managed to turn it on I felt like Sid from Ice Age - but in the wrong movie.
We are doing nothing special since we have arrived. Eating, sleeping, drinking, shopping, eating, chilling, eating of course :)
Pappa B legutolsó berlini látogatása óta annyira izgatott volt, hogy végre visszatérhessen, hogy egyszerűen képtelen voltam féken tartani - így a kis zöld szörny bebújt a böröndömbe, és a német határ átlépése után kijött belőle. Onnantól kezdve ok nélkül mosolygott végig - bár nekem mindenre volt okom, csak mosolygásra nem - majdnem három órás késése volt a vonatunknak, ami eléggé hosszú idő ha azt is figyelembe vesszük, hogy az egész út alapból is már 13 órás. Így a világkerekség egyik legboldogabb embere lettem volna a három óra plusz vonatozás nélkül. Légkondicionáló nélkül indult a vonat Magyarországról (ahol 35°C volt az árnyékban!!!), majd sikerült beindíttatnunk a légkondicionálót, amiután úgy éreztem magam mint Sid az Ice Age-ben - csupán rossz filmben.
Mióta megérkeztünk nem csinálunk semmi különőset. Eszünk, alszunk, iszunk, vásárolunk, eszünk, pihenünk, és természetesen eszünk :)
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