As pappa B told you in the post before it was raining almost the whole day today - yeah it's monday! - so we were staying in the house the whole day and tried a couple of things, like Black Cow! Yeah, right. It's called black cow and it is coke with vanilla ice. The cookbook (!) says it is a typical American drink - I think they just wanted to fill the place with a simple and cheap drink. Because the only thing you have to do to prepare a Black cow is to fill the coke into a glass, and then put vanilla ice on the top of it - et voilà, BLACK COW!

És természetesen megint főztünk - és természetesen megint valami egyszerűt - és természetesen megint tésztát! De most sajtszószosat.

And then I had to wash my hair - pappa B just took a bath as long as I was doing my hair. This was followed by doing our nails, when the little green monster helped me to pick the best nail-polish color he could find ;)
Utána hajat kellett mosnom - pappa B pedig csak egy kis fürdőt vett miközben én készülődtem. Ezt követte a körmeink kifestése, aminél a kicsi zöld szörny segített nekem kiválasztani a legjobb színt amit csak találni tudott ;)

John Frieda Collection - Frizz-Ease, shampoo and conditioner "Seidentraum"; Schwarzkopf - Glisskur hair repair, liquid silk; L'oreal Kérastase nutritive - oléo-relax

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